These are the presenters that are being sponsored by Between The Worlds. To see the presenters sponsored by Sacred Space, click here. The schedule grid on the schedule page of this site is a unified schedule that contains all the presensters.
BTW Featured Presenters:

Aeptha: After many years of self-exploration, healing, growth and study she found that her physical, emotional, mental and spiritual consciousness had the unique capacity to be a mediator for very powerful and loving cosmic consciousness. She balanced her inner life work with outer level achievements which included a Masters in Human Development and Learning and a very successful private practice in counseling. She also studied the connections between illness and the body while working as a massage therapist. During that time she studied the effects of sound, touch and other healing alternatives to support the integration of mind, body and spirit into wholeness. In 1991 Aeptha and Eushahn married, drawn together by their commitment to the spiritual path and a deep and abiding love. Light Haven was born into the earth plane and established in Charlotte, NC in 1993. Shortly thereafter, Shakmah Winddrum became Eushahn and Aeptha’s physical plane teacher. They have studied extensively with this powerful and gifted master teacher. Their primary focus is at Light Haven on the ever expanding work which includes ceremonial services, teaching and individual private work supported by an extensively trained staff of initiates.
T. Thorn Coyle is a magic worker, activist, musician, and internationally respected teacher of the esoteric spiritual arts, she has trained in both non-violent intervention and Krav Maga. Thorn experiences the power To Dare as a vital force in her life, tempering it with the powers To Know, To Will, and To Keep Silent. Author of the forthcoming Make Magic of Your Life: Purpose, Passion, and the Power of Desire,as well as Kissing the Limitless, Evolutionary Witchcraft, and Crafting a Daily Practice, she has been called a Master Teacher. Thorn hosts Elemental Castings and Fiat LVX! video series, writes a popular weblog, Know Thyself, has produced several CDs of sacred music, and appeared in many anthologies. Her spiritual direction practice – which includes soul reading, and body/spirit coaching – reaches people all over the world. She is founder and head of Solar Cross Temple and Morningstar Mystery School and lives by the San Francisco Bay. Thorn’s unique body of work has touched the lives of many. Her clients include ministers, professional athletes, coaches, artists, activists, parents, and business owners.

Ivo Domínguez, Jr. is a visionary, and a practitioner of a variety of esoteric disciplines. He has been active in Wicca and the Pagan community since 1978, has been teaching since 1982. Ivo was a founding member, of the first coven of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel a Wiccan Tradition where he currently serves as one of its Elders. The Assembly of the Sacred Wheel is a Wiccan syncretic tradition that draws inspiration from Astrology, Qabala, the Western Magickal Tradition and the folk religions of Europe. Histechniques and insights are rooted in a synthesis of traditional metaphysical teachings, modern science, and memories from past lives. Ivo is also a professional astrologer who has studied astrology since 1980 and has been offering consultations and readings since 1988. Ivo is the author of Casting Sacred Space: The Core Of All Magickal Work; Spirit Speak: Knowing and Understanding Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ghosts, Angels, and the Divine; Beneath the Skins . Along with James C. Welch he is one of the owners of Bell, Book, & Candle (, Delaware’s largest metaphysical shop.

Katrina Messenger, a radical feminist of African, Cherokee & Irish descent, is a refugee from the communist, labor, feminist, and black nationalist movements of old. A founding member of Dark Flame Coven, she finds inner peace and solace by sharing her hard won lessons with others who care to listen. Katrina, a Wiccan mystic, is the founder of the Reflections Mystery School. Reflections is a contacted mystery school based in Washington DC. Reflections offers two full time programs including a long distance option plus classes for the general public. Katrina works extensively with mythology, dreamwork, ritual and trance as a means of self exploration, self healing and self evolution. Katrina uses myth, magick and mystery to lead her students to greater well being and greater awareness of their unique gifts, abilities and talents. As a healer, teacher and priestess, she believes that everyone has a unique purpose and can walk the path of sacred vocation. Katrina is also a poet, singer/songwriter, author, teacher, speaker and priestess. She has studied mythology, esoteric sciences and human development for over twenty five years. Katrina is the author of Descent: A Journey for Women and Dark Beauty. She has published articles in the Reclaiming Quarterly, contributed to the highly successful Twelve Wild Swans, and taught at Reclaiming witch camps from 1997 to 2003.

Dorothy Morrison is a practicing Witch for nearly 40 years - and dubbed by Publishers Weekly as "a Witch to watch" - Dorothy Morrison is the award-winning author of numerous books on Witchcraft and its practical application to everyday living. She handles a voracious tour schedule, traveling the country giving lectures and teaching classes related to the Craft, its aspects, and its practice. She is the creator of the Wicked Witch Mojo and Hexology occult product lines, and is also the proprietress of Wicked Witch Studios - - an online store specializing in handcrafted items designed for Witches of discriminating taste.

Christopher Penczak is a Witch, teacher, writer and healing practitioner. His practice draws upon the foundation of both modern and traditional Witchcraft blended with the wisdom of mystical traditions from across the globe as a practitioner and teacher of shamanism, tarot, Reiki healing, herbalism, astrology and Qabalah. He is the founder of the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and system of magickal training based upon the material of his books and classes. He is an ordained minister primarily serving the New Hampshire and Massachusetts pagan and metaphysical communities through public rituals, private counsel and teaching, though he travels extensively teaching throughout the United States. Christopher has penned over fifteen books on spirituality, witchcraft, healing and magick and has won multiple awards, most notably from the Coalition of Visionary Resources. He continues to write books and articles while holding a full time teaching and healing practice in New Hampshire, where he lives with his partners, science fiction/fantasy/RPG author Stephen Kenson and psychic Adam Sartwell.

Kirk Thomas: I am a Druid priest and the Archdruid of Ár nDríaocht Féin, A Druid Fellowship. While most of what you'll see here are my writings, musings, workshops and articles, I am also very much interested in ecstatic, primal practices and their use in trance states. Born in Richland, Washington (state), I am a graduate of the University of New Mexico with a BFA in Theatre Arts (1975), and a Diploma from the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in London (1985). I am now working part-time towards my Masters degree in Celtic Studies from the University of Wales, Lampeter, which should be completed by the end of 2010. I am also past President and current member of the Board of Directors of Cherry Hill Seminary, a Pagan institution which exists to train folks in the skills of Pagan Ministry. I used to fly balloons and hot-air airships in my youth and served as a Vice President of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), then in Paris, back in the 1990's. I also served as Secretary of the FAI Aviation and Space Education Commission for 10 years and am now an FAI Companion of Honour. The ballooning memorabilia that my ex-partner and I collected is now a major part of the collection of the Anderson-Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum in Albuquerque, New Mexico. But the main turning point in my life was when I left my then partner of 20 years, England, and half my assets to come back to the USA. The ride, since I jumped off that metaphorical cliff, has been quite wild, with a major spiritual awakening fueling my present activities. My present passions include the priesthood, Celtic studies, Indo-European cosmology, ADF liturgy (written and performed), primal ecstatic trance work, Harner Shamanism, singing, teaching, and ADF festivals. I currently live near the base of Mt. Adams at Trout Lake Abbey, our farm, in Trout Lake, Washington, with my spirit partner Kozen (a Soto Zen Buddhist Priest). We intend to have two monasteries sharing the site, one ADF Druid and one Buddhist. Luckily, Zen doesn't clash with ADF Paganism. Much.

Michael G. Smith, Gwydion Stormcrow, has been practicing Wicca, Magick, and various esoteric disciplines since 1989. He has been active in the pagan community since 1993 when he became a member of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel (ASW), a Wiccan organization in the Mid-Atlantic region. He is an Elder of the ASW and is currently serving as High Priest of Coven of the Rowan Star, a coven in that Tradition. He is a Priest of both Horus and Bast, and works extensively with the Egyptian deities in his personal practices where he uses a syncretic array of esoteric disciplines from Wicca and the Western magickal and shamanic traditions, and is inspired and sustained by his studies of Astrology, Qabalah, Ritual, and Natural Magick. He was trained as a Water Pourer by Shiverah Stonewater, and since 1995 has led sweat lodge ceremonies, and is finishing a book on the sweat lodge ceremony from a pagan perspective. He is on the Board of Directors of Cherry Hill Seminary, an organization that is taking an important step in providing distance education for professional Pagan Ministry. He is also on the Board of Directors of the Sacred Space Conference a conference in the Mid-Atlantic region serving to provide a stage for the interaction and sharing of the rich variety of traditions, beliefs, paths and organizations. He lives in southern Delaware where he works, loves, and teaches, and is one of the stewards of Seelie Court, 100 acres of pagan-owned land dedicated to the growth and evolution of the pagan paths.
Other Fine Teachers:

Maggie Beaumont, M.A., is a former Dean of Students of Cherry Hill Seminary and currently serves on the Board of Trustees of the national Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans. After an extensively varied career in mechanical engineering, journalism, real estate, and adult education, she is currently a Chaplain Intern at a level-one trauma center in Philadelphia and a first-degree member of Weavers of the Moonfire, a coven in the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. After leaving a long marriage last year, she now shares an apartment with one cat, three looms, and eight bookshelves full of books.

Cheryl Costa is a writer, playwright, and theater, television, and movie producer. She also has had a technical career in internet security. She recently was awarded a Bachelor’s of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, with a concentration in Entertainment Writing and Production from Empire State College, a State University of New York institution. The documentary film “When Witchcraft Came Out of the Broom Closet: The Story of Kestryl and Company” was created as her capstone degree project, and will be made commercially available as an educational product for academic libraries. She currently works as a newspaper columnist in Syracuse, New York.

Helena Domenic is an Elder in the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. Helena has belonged to three covens within the Assembly previously, and served as High Priestess in two, Oak and Willow and Weavers of the Moonfire. She is now High Priestess of Chalice of the Living Stars, a coven in the Chester County, PA area. Helena was born in Italy, where she developed an eye for beauty, art and the magical early in life. An accomplished artist, Helena's art has been exhibited around the United States and abroad. Her specialties are Tarot, Qabala, and Art and the Sacred, and African art. Helena is the creator of the Fellowship of the Fool Tarot and author of The Fellowship of the Fool Tarot Book. In day to day life, Helena is an Assistant Professor of Art and Art History at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, where she teaches Art History, African Art, and an assortment of drawing and painting classes. Helena has also taught at Sacred Space, Ecumenicon, Etheracon, Akashacon, Morgan's Cauldron, Rutgers University, The University of the Arts, and a variety of other venues. Helena has a BFA in Painting from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, an MA from The University of the Arts, and has an MFA from Goddard College in Vermont. Helena's art can be seen at:

Robin Fennelly (Amethyst Brighid), is a 3rd Degree Initiate of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel and High Priestess of Oak and Willow Coven. She has been involved in the pagan path since her early teens, exploring a variety of esoteric traditions and philosophies. She formally came to the Wiccan path in 1994. Following practice as a solitary for 2 years, she dedicated to Oak and Willow in November of 1996. She received her 1st, 2nd and finally 3rd degrees within the Assembly Tradition and has served as High Priestess of Oak and Willow since Samhain of 2001. Her spiritual journey is strongly rooted in both Eastern philosophy and the Western Magickal systems from which she has formed a core foundation that is diverse in knowledge and rich in spiritual practice. Her current focus is the synthesis of energy practice, astrology and qabalistic tarot. She currently offers a bimonthly online esoteric newsletter and monthly online courses which focus on studies of the Qabalah Within the Western Mystery Tradition: A Year Within the Tree of Life and Wiccan Studies: A Year and A Day on the Wiccan Path. These can found on the Oak and Willow coven website. Robin's mundane life is blessed by a 33_year marriage, five children, two pets and the opportunity to work in the field of public education. Robin's pathworkings and esoteric writings can be found at The Magickal Pen blog: or

Orion Foxwood is a witch, conjure-man and faery seer; and, the author of “The Faery Teachings” (RJ Stewart Books), “The Tree of Enchantment” , “The Candle and the Crossroads” and "The Flame in the Cauldron" (Weiser Books). He was born with the veil (the second sight) in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, where he was first exposed to faith-healing, root-doctoring, faery lore and second-sight practices of southern and Appalachian culture; and has continued learning and teaching these spirit-doctoring practices in workshops, intensives and lectures. Orion is the founder, and primary teacher, of the House of Brigh Faery Seership Institute, a multi-year teaching program in the "Tree of Enchantment" Seerhship lore, practices, traditions and skills; and a co-founder of Conjure Crossroads (CC), which is a collaboration between five (5) seasoned root-workers and witches focused on preserving and promoting the healing and helping benefits of southern root-work, witchcraft and other folk traditions. CC hosts the annual Folk Magic Festival in New Orleans and an ongoing blog show. He is a co-founder of Conjure-Craft which hosts "A Meeting of Magical Minds" which is a forum for magical education and skills development. He is the Founding Elder of Foxwood Temple, a coven dedicated to passing on the traditional witchcraft of his elders . He holds a Master’s Degree in Human Services. His website is

Taylor Ellwood is the author of Pop Culture Magic 2.0, Manifesting Wealth, Magical Identity and 12 other books. He is also the Managing Non-Fiction editor for Immanion Press, which publishes cutting edge books on esotericism and magic. Taylor is a practitioner of both Western and Eastern Sacromagical practices. To learn more about him and his on-going work, please visit

Holli Emore is the founder and priestess of Osireion ( and Executive Director of Cherry Hill Seminary, where she previously served as Chair for the Board of Directors. Committed to building interfaith relationships, Holli is a member of the board of directors for the Interfaith Partners of South Carolina. She is the editor of Wild Garden, a Pagan interfaith blog on Holli often teaches public groups about the rapidly-growing NeoPagan religions, and has served as a regional resource for law enforcement and victim services since 2004. Holli is the co-founder of the original Pagan Round Table ( Osireion is a Pagan tradition which draws its inspiration from the religions of ancient Egypt. You may find Holli’s 2012 book, Pool of Lotus, on Amazon or Lulu.

Jason Miller’s (Inominandum) interest in the occult was sparked by a series of psychic experiences he had when he was just five years old. He took up the practice of both High Magick and Hoodoo Rootworking while still a teenager, learning how ceremonial and folk magick can work together and compliment each other. He has been involved with a number of orders and groups over the years, always seeking the quintessence of the arte. He has traveled to New Orleans to study Hoodoo, Europe to study Witchcraft and Ceremonial Magick, and Nepal to study Tantra. Miller is a member of the Chthonic Ouranian Temple and the Sangreal Sodality, as well as an initiated Tantrika in the Nyingma and Bon lineages of Tibet. He is the author of Financial Sorcery: Magical Strategies to Create Real and Lasting Wealth, Protection & Reversal Magick: A Witch's Defense Manual and the Strategic Sorcery blog. He is also a regular contributor to Behutet magazine. Miller lives with his wife and on the New Jersey shore, where he practices and teaches magick professionally.

Tuatha Dea, an amazing celtic, tribal, world music band will be enticing your ears and making your blood thump to the beat. They are performing at the BTW Gala and several members from the band will be offering a workshop on drum circleson Friday. Drums will be provided but feel free to bring your own.
Sacred Space Conference Presenters
To see the presenters sponsored by Sacred Space, click here.
Featured Presenters for 2015:
Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, Judika Illes, Diana Paxson
With Regional Teachers
Elmdea Adams, Byron Ballard, Caroline Kenner, Monika Lonely Coyote, Literata, Diotima Mantineia, Laurel Mendes, Angela Raincatcher, Gwendolyn Reece, A’alyvyne Weaverwood