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Bearers of the Earth Flame is the newest dedicated Coven in the Assembley of the Sacred Wheel Tradition, our current number of Covens is 14.  We are the Pentacle Coven (Earth) of the Circle of Sagittarius (Fire), second coven of the 4th Circle of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, a non-profit, religious organization dedicated to the Wiccan Path.   We believe in sharing what we know without pacts of secrecy, obscurity, or separation and often offer open rituals and workshops to the community.

Bearers of the Earth Flame are the holders of the Flame of the Earth: the Flame within and the Flame without fuels us.  Our mission is to stoke the fires for the Sacredness of the Earth and that, which lives on and in the earth.  We believe in sharing the Flame of Will, Courage and Energy to enlighten others to their own purpose in life.  Bringing to others finding their inner flame and how to use it in day to day life while their  flames reach to new heights while mainting inner balance.

BEF is located in Dover, DE and can be reached by contacting Michael Smith at Bearers Of The Earth Flame.

Note: This site is in the process of being updated. Check back often.

Bearers Of the Earth Flame 2023