Frequently Asked Questions
Assembly of the Sacred Wheel

Please read this page before emailing us with questions or requests.
- Thanks!
Do you have a correspondence course?
No, we do offer, from time to time, workshops and conferences that are open to the public, but no distance learning.

Can you initiate me?
Initiation in the Assembly is only given through the covens to their members. Membership does not automatically lead to initiation, it is a lengthy process.

How do I join?
Membership is granted by the individual covens and involves a getting to know you period of at least 6 months. Contact the covens for their particular guidelines. If you are geographically distant from a coven, it is unlikely that you will be able to participate in a way that leads to membership.

Where do you have covens?
Currently we have 2 covens in the Greater Philadelphia area, 1 coven in the Wilmington/Newark, Delaware area and 2 near Georgetown, Delaware.

Can a coven join the Assembly?
No, we do not have a procedure for a group to join us.

Can you put me in touch with other covens or traditions?
The volume of email that we get is considerable, so please use the magic of the world wide web to search for resources in your area. A good starting point is: The Witches' Voice

Can you tell me how to cast spells.. do rituals... etc...?
No, seek out teachers, workshops, organized groups, and books. You may do yourself a great disservice by jumping into something without enough information and guidance.

I'm under 18, can I join or come to your events?
To join an ASW coven you must be at least 18. Parental permission, and ideally their presence, is required for participation in many of the workshops or events.

Can my children participate in the Assembly covens or events?
The answer is mostly no though there are occasional events where children are welcome. For our detailed policy follow this link: ASW Policy On Youth Participation

Can I come to your open events if I am a beginner or a member of another faith?
Yes, our open events truly are open to all that bring good will and an open mind.

Can I be a member of the Assembly and be involved in other faiths or traditions?
Yes, many of our members are involved with or are initiates of other paths. We do require that those that are granted the status of clergy (3rd degree and up) focus on the Assembly's path. This is not about right or wrong or exclusion, it is about commitment and the reality that there are only so many hours in a day.